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How are concertina partitions adaptable to different environments and needs?

For businesses and industries that require the addition of versatile private spaces, partition screens that offer temporary partitioning can make a great addition to a setup.

Concertina walls are named after the musical instruments of the same name. Similar in visual style to that of an accordion, the partition can be pulled open, revealing a folded, rippled woven fabric body that can instantly restrict vision and sounds between two spaces, offering privacy. But it can be folded back into place just as easily, making it the ideal solution for rooms where the needs of those inside can alter from day to day, depending on the circumstances.

Unlike mobile office screens which are often flimsy and offer virtually no privacy whatsoever, our concertina screens are far more effective at offering sound reduction in areas where room dividers are needed, while also presenting that classic concertina design that’s so easy on the eyes.

A concertina wall room divider can make a huge difference to a school, hospital, office space or any other setup for that matter. But how specifically can they make a difference in these and other environments?

If you feel as though a concertina wall may improve the versatility of your spaces overnight, allowing you to create a bespoke privacy solution without the need to erect a new wall, keep reading to find out more.

How concertina walls can be used/altered for different purposes

Window panels

While the general idea of a concertina partition is that it’s able to offer privacy in a space where this was formerly impossible, they don’t need to offer complete privacy if this isn’t the desired outcome.

Sometimes, it’s ideal to create a space where there’s an element of privacy, while still being able to view what’s happening over on the other side from a certain viewpoint.

That’s why the structure of concertina walls means they can be easily manipulated to insert a viewing window of some kind. These are often a plastic-like flexi screen that can fold along with the concertina wall.

This is useful in environments like schools where teachers need to divide classrooms while still being able to view what all students are doing, without the rigmarole of travelling from room to room. Here’s a great example from our library of images from satisfied customers:

Differing degrees of openness 

Of course, for the ultimate level of privacy, nothing will keep conversations as restricted from the eyes and ears of others quite like a brick wall, creating a new room entirely.

However, brick walls are messy, loud and expensive to install, and if all that’s needed is a small space where people can have some peace and relax, or speak in private for a short while, all that extra effort may feel like a real waste.

But what if you want to create somewhere where people can simply “pop round the corner” for a time? Do they really need to run off to a new room entirely? Probably not. This is where concertina walls can come in handy.

Users can open concertina walls to any degree of openness they require. Either pull it across completely to temporarily cut off a space, or only pull it across slightly to create a small, quick escape without feeling like you’re abandoning the room entirely. Plus, unlike brick walls, you won’t need to investigate in-depth building regulations and permissions, as they’re incredibly easy to install without making major structural changes.

Degrees of privacy change all the time, depending on the needs of the people and the circumstances, so choose the most versatile option with a concertina wall.

They can be used on a more permanent basis if needed

Speaking of different degrees of privacy, sometimes it is necessary to create privacy on a more permanent basis, while knowing full well it won’t last forever.

Would you build a brand new wall if you knew you were going to use it for just a few weeks? The answer is no. So for instances where businesses need to create a temporary space to house someone new, or medical facilities that need to accommodate new patients without allocating an entire room, or a similar scenario, concertina walls work a treat.

You can close them and leave them in place for as long as is necessary (days, weeks, or even months) before opening them back up again once they’ve served their purpose. If you leave them closed for long enough, when you do eventually open them back up again, it’ll feel like a completely new space!

Find the best concertina walls and movable walls for your needs at AEG Partitions

If you have limited wall space and want to mix things up in your working or commercial environment, speak to the experts at AEG Partitions for all your concertina wall, sliding wall and movable wall needs. Not only do we offer professional installation of these products, but we also offer regular servicing, ensuring your new addition continues to operate as expected for years to come.

Check out our full range of products. Or for more information, contact the AEG Partitions team today. Good service is what we’re all about.

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